BUIP115: (passed) Drop support for BTC


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
BUIP115: Drop support for BTC
Submitted by: Griffith
Date: 2019/3/27

The purpose of this BUIP is to determine if BU is to continue to release clients supporting BTC

BTC should no longer be supported by BU in future releases.

In the event that this BUIP passes The Developer's authorization to put out a client release supporting BTC is revoked.

This BUIP has been requested by Johnathan Silverblood for completeness
Last edited:

Jonathan Silverblood

Active Member
Nov 21, 2018
Should it, like the other two, also have the requirements that they need to be in the same voting period? and all three ofthem updated to state that if none of the three passes the devs decide etc?

Feels like it would be good to stay consistent in this regard - not that I expect a situation where no one votes for any, but it would make things very clear.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
i didnt think that was necessary since the BTC code base is a different set of branches where as the BCH/BSV are in the same branch although i can add this for consistency, sure.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
at this point 113, 114, 115 should all require each other and the fall through should apply to all of them. the result at the end of the voting round that includes these three BUIPs should be a concrete decision on what coins BU is going to support for the near future
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Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
i edited the BUIP to reflect feedback from other members of the forum. in the event that all 3 buips fail to pass no changes are made
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Roy Badami

Active Member
Dec 27, 2015
I personally think we should either:

(1) Drop support for BTC, or
(2) Fully implement the BTC consensus rules (including segwit).

I don't think having a BTC full node that does not fully enforce the consensus rules of the BTC chain - whatever we think of them - is a particularly useful contribution to the community. So, personally, I think our current BTC node implementation should be officially retired.

So, I am in favour of officially deprecating our existing BTC full node implementation. I am less sure that I'm in favour of voting for a prohibition on BU releasing a fully functional BTC node. (Although I realise that question is somewhat academic at the moment, since at the present time I doubt there is any interest in developing such a node; and I also doubt there would be significant interest within the BTC community in running such a node).
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Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
in a sense our BTC implementation has been deprecated, we all refused to implement segwit and there is no way btc supporters would ever run it. If this BUIP passed it would be mostly a political statement over anything else.

Jonathan Silverblood

Active Member
Nov 21, 2018
I think clarity of intent is important. Leaving this as as something that "may or may not" be the case is just leaving wiggleroom for breeding differences in interpretation. If the sentiment changes in the future, making a new BUIP to actively support BTC again is better than having a dilluted uncertain intent today.
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Roy Badami

Active Member
Dec 27, 2015
Agreed that simplicity is good. However, even if this BUIP fails (i.e. we don't go as far as removing all support for a BTC release) I think we should consider removing the following statement accompanying the BTC release download If you are new to Bitcoin this is most likely the release you want and replace it with more neutral language.

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