Bitcoin ONE (BTC1)


New Member
May 8, 2018

Ticker Symbol: BTC1
Max Supply: 21 Million
Distribution: Mining, Minting, Claiming
PoW algorithm: SHA256
PoW Block Interval: 10 Minutes
PoS Block Interval: 10 Minutes
Block size (actual): 1M (2-4M)
Difficulty adjustment: every block
Avg tx confirmation time: 1 Second
Segwit: Yes
Replay protection: Yes
Unique address format: Yes

In order to ensure the safety of the Bitcoin ecosystem, Bitcoin ONE has implemented full replay protection, an essential feature that protects users coins from being spent accidentally.

What is Bitcoin ONE?
Cryptocurrency Bitcoin ONE resulting from the Bitcoin payment system hardfork at block 525,000 in of May. Launching own cryptocurrency is a necessity realized, due to the presence of transaction fees and the overall low speed of transaction processing on the cryptocurrency market. Implementation of hybrid processing is designed to ensure up to 1 million transactions per second with Bitcoin ONE without charging any fees. Moreover, Bitcoin ONE will become the one and the only cryptocurrency secured by the issue of material coins and notes with different protection features and tied to users’ IDs in the system.

How can I get Bitcoin ONE?
Bitcoin ONE free for Bitcoin holders. Download B1.CASH app (iOS, Android) or log into the website. Verify your bitcoin wallet.
- Free 100-day claim for bitcoin holders since introduction at block 525 000.
- Bitcoin ONE (BTC1) wallets are safe and secure 24/7.
- Hybrid processing handles up to 1 mln transactions/sec with Bitcoin ONE (BTC1).
- Material coins and notes to level up protection of your wallets and transactions\
Official site:

Official site:


Nov 26, 2017
Hello AlexBryl. I have not understood what is the difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin One. Is Bitcoin One another cryptocurrency. Can you share a link defining and describing the fundamental differences among them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
This looks like a **scam** leveraging media attention around the old BTC1 S2X fork implementation.

Any fork proposing to use SHA256 is going to have to compete for hashrate or be susceptible to a 51% attack. Unless there is demand for more than $6,000,000 new investment a month to buy new coins it would be near imposable to attract enough mining hashrate to secure the network.

Advice: avoid! And never give access to your wallet to anyone. This being a red flag.

How can I get Bitcoin ONE?
Bitcoin ONE free for Bitcoin holders. Download B1.CASH app (iOS, Android) or log into the website. Verify your bitcoin wallet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
the following would require appropriate explanation before proceeding any further:

Implementation of hybrid processing is designed to ensure up to 1 million transactions per second with Bitcoin ONE without charging any fees.

Moreover, Bitcoin ONE will become the one and the only cryptocurrency secured by the issue of material coins and notes with different protection features and tied to users’ IDs in the system.