Bitcoin Fund Manager Checks Account Balance

Crypto Kris

New Member
May 4, 2019
Bitcoin Fund Manager Checks Account Balance
As a bitcoin fund manager I routinely check my client’s cryptocurrency account balances. Recent bullish runs in the crypto market have left my clients with massive account balances.
Two clients came to me at the start of 2019, each wanting to invest $50,000 into the crypto market. Client 1 into Bitcoin BTC, and client 2 into Canyacoin CAN.
Fast forward 12 months and now we are in early May 2020. Time to check my clients account balances.
I am acutely aware that the price of a single bitcoin BTC has just hit $100,000. What shocked me even more was discover another one of my clients was holding the altcoin called Canyacoin (CAN) and had a staggering crypto account balance of $1 million dollars.
Now let’s recap this video… which clients account balance would you prefer: client number 1 holding an account balance of $100,000 in bitcoin BTC, or client number 2 holding an account balance $1 million dollars in Canyacoin (CAN).
Now let’s go over that one more time so as we are all crystal clear on which is the better investment option, client 1 with $100,000 account balance holding bitcoin or client 2 with $1 million account balance holding Canyacoin (CAN). Don’t be a crypto fool, take a risk and invest in something that will change your life, invest in Canyacoin (CAN).