Bitcoin Brief - channel for quick updates coming soon


New Member
Aug 30, 2015
Hey everyone,

I wanted to watch a 5 min video updating me on bitcoin news from a bitcoiner perspective. No one seems to be doing this from the UK, so I thought I'd do one myself.

I'll post here when I do actual briefs. Just trying to gauge interest here and get feedback for my ELI5 primer for newbies.

All feedback welcome. Took me a while to pick up the courage to do this, but I came here for critical feedback so go for it.

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New Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yep, you appear natural in front of the camera :cool: Your facts seem sound, also. I assume you intend to string it all together at some point, so it flows more? As its for newbies, walkthroughs would be good as demonstrations.
My only criticism would be the, them-and-us/adversarial approach with regards to "crony capitalist" and 'worthless fiat money' etc. Although there are arguments for the political side of things, and the ultimate end game, i also think there is a place for it. Just not sure the newbie demographic is where its at.

Hey, above all, have fun with it. :D


New Member
Aug 30, 2015
Thanks for the feedback guys. Super helpful :D

@Stereotype - that's an interesting perspective. I'm Scotland based, and during our recent referendum for independence people started speaking with this kind of language. There's a huge rally of young folk who all voted Yes, and have a more open mind when it comes to politics. Unfortunately there is a residual "f the tories" attitude in a lot of Scotland because of Margaret Thatcher's rule back in the 70's which crushed the ship building and coal mining industries of the Northern UK cities. That has lead to a hatred of the rich to some extent which is prevalent everywhere in socialist politics I suppose. I want to try play on that audience's emotions, and direct that energy in a more positive way if I can. The group I'm talking about certainly hate the cronies... but for the wrong reasons. I see the crony capitalist as the smart ones in the room making use of the government to protect them from competition. I certainly want to avoid the dehumanisation of any group though - that's clearly very dangerous.

Again thanks for the feedback! I'm going to look into high production value. I can up it no problem - did this on an iphone and edited on youtube... it was horrible but worth it for a gauge the audience type thing.

- Darren


New Member
Aug 28, 2015
You certainly know your historical politics Darren.

I noticed the uptick in political interest in Scotland. Seems to be happening again with the Labour leadership race, a la Jeremy Corbyn, also.
If you think you are able to channel that energy, i say go for it. Sounds like a plan :cool:

As you mentioned her, i just want to give you another perspective re Thatcher.
I was young when she came to power. I actually stayed up into the small hours wishing her to win the election. Why? Cos i was angry that i had to walk to school with dirty stinking rubbish piled high, because the unions said so. I was also angry at the electrical blackouts that frequently occurred, because the unions said so. Thats all that mattered to me, then. Glad we have all moved on.......or not, maybe :confused:

Good luck in your endeavours.


New Member
Aug 30, 2015
Huh. That's an interesting anecdote. After watching the dramatised bio feature film on thatcher I actually completely sympathise with her. Total legend in terms of what she did to prove silly old politicians wrong in regard to gender disparity.

She was an odd case I think, as I'd normally associate female politicians with left wing ideology rather than right. Perhaps that's my own gender bias creeping in though.

I appreciate the support. This seems like a nice community. Glad I came here!

- Darren


Staff member
Aug 19, 2015
More suggestions:
  • Have your main points appear as captions as the video progresses to keep the viewer's attention
  • Try filming without earbuds next time. That could help the viewer feel you are in the same room with them, not somewhere far away


New Member
Aug 30, 2015
Thanks for the feedback. The earbuds were acting as my microphone as I recorded on iphone last time. I've had a decent response from that first one so the second one has been given more production value to reflect interest.

I took your advice and lost the earbuds for a Rode smartlav+ which sounds much better. I also put some visual breakups for nicer flow and hopefully will keep viewer interest up.

Also I have an rss podcast version now if that suits some people better.

Keep the feedback coming thanks!
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New Member
Aug 30, 2015
I'm not sure how many views are coming from this forum so I've waited to post here so I can see the traffic. If you're interested in Scotland's new digital currency proposal then here's my perspective on it, having met the author recently:

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New Member
Aug 28, 2015
Coming across really well, Darren. Like the Dragons Den back-drop, and the Fonejacker visual snippets. :)
Better get busy again, cos Circle had news today.

Keep building on what you have. :cool:


New Member
Aug 30, 2015
@Stereotype - thanks for the feedback. :D

Circle and NY? It's not a big enough deal for UK bitcoiners I don't think. Am I missing something?


New Member
Aug 30, 2015
Latest episode, I've tried to put on my voice of conviction. Would really appreciate some feedback on this one as I went out on a new and slightly uncomfortable limb.

I structured it as a Bitcoin sales pitch, starting with Why, then How, then What - in line with the "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." idea.