[ANN] Ties.Network [ICO] Our TGE has already started!


New Member
Oct 1, 2017

Ties.Network TGE Instructions: Invest Securely


Check our video tutorial for Ties.Network TGE participants - it shows how to purchase TIE tokens using ETH orBTC during Token Generation Event started.


Our bounty campaign has officially started.

TIES.network token crowdsale details.


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Interview with Natalia Tokar - Business Development Partner at Ties.Network



New Member
Oct 1, 2017

As a business tool, Ties.Network is a decentralized social platform where business professionals can connect and strike business deals via smart-contracts in no time. The platform uses a trustworthy rating system, thus making sure all participants can focus solely on business and benefits of beneficial relationships, and leave the verification and trust issues to the platform’s integrated solutions.

As an IT product, Ties.Network is based on Ties.DB – a public, decentralized, and distributed noSQL database that allows to store huge amounts of dynamic data, and search within the content of the files. Ties.DB is a public, open-source solution that can be utilized by other dApps and decentralized blockchain-related projects to facilitate their entering the market and help them structure large amounts of data.

Ties.Network is the analogy of LinkedIn for the crypto-community. It is a decentralized platform for traders, investors, developers, consultants and enthusiasts that allows professionals to find partners, employees and volunteers, sell their products or services, secure business deals via smart contracts, promote themselves and finance their projects. People can work individually or as teams to accomplish their objectives.

System of genuine rating and reviews (“crowdsourcing”) gives each participant maximum promotion opportunities, while also giving them the option to stay anonymity.
All transactions on Ties.Network are 100% safe and secure.

At registration, each user receives a default rating based on objective observations of user activity in the crypto-community and based on provided documents. The community will modify this rating, based on the review of the deals that have already been processed on the platform, through impartial and decentralized voting.


Key features of the platform

Ties.Network integration of smart contracts into a business platform lets its users do the following:

* Trade goods and services
* Trade cryptocurrencies
* Hire and recruit specialists
* Participate in token generation events and blockchain projects
* Receive feedback for startups or token generation events
* Promote token generation events and network with startups


Ties.Network architecture

Ties.Network, as a platform suitable for striking business deals, conforms to the following requirements:

* Decentralization
* Stability
* Anonymity
* Storage of data
* Scalability
* Open-source soltuion
* Publicity
* Profitability
* Speed
* Expansion possibilities


Architecture layers

At high-level we can distinguish the following
layers of the platform.

* TiClient - client application
* Ties.DB - public decentralized database
* Smart contracts
* Blockchain
* Hyperboria Network

Users interact with Ties.Network from the client application TiClient. TiClient connects to Ties.DB and blockchain. Ties.DB is used to store and retrieve users’ data. TiClient and Ties.DB use smart contracts on Ethereum blockchain for financial transactions and to ensure stability of critical operations. All the nodes are connected through Hyperboria network to provide speed, anonymity and end-to-end encryption of all communications.



Ties.DB is a new-generation
decentralized database with the following
innovative interfaces:

* Distribution
* Publicity
* Resistance to the Byzantine Generals’ Problem
* Sharding support
* Speed
* Ability to store structured data
* Ability to delete data
* Query language with an ability to conduct
search using more than the primary key

Cjdns and Hyperboria network

To realize the anonymity and privacy requirements, we use Hyperboria network. Cjdns (Caleb James Delisle Network Suite) is a networking protocol and reference implementation, based on the idea that networks should be easy to set up, protocols should scale smoothly, and security should be ubiquitous.


Node and client interaction scheme


Platform revenue sources

Profits come from the following sources:

* Advertising
* Escrow tax
* Currency exchange

Income for nodes comes from the following:

* Placing content on the node server
* Retrieving content from the node server

Users must pay for storing their data on the database servers. That allows the network to sustain itself by making its support profitable.
It also prevents flooding the network with garbage or malicious data. But such a model of networking is not very popular at the moment.

For example, Jim (hypothetical person) signs up on Ties.Network. Before he can do anything, he needs to place a deposit on a smart contract "chequebook". That is his paid registration. For ordinary social networks, where users just have fun, such a step would have meant the end of our network - why pay for something you can get free somewhere else? Since Ties.Network is different in that it earns you money, we feel justified in asking for an initial payment and commissions down the line to help us continue offering you this service.

Unlike centralized competitors who get their revenues from advertising or from using freemium models, Ties.Network belongs to the community, so its revenues must be spent on developing and maintaining it. One of the ways of how revenues will be used is for paying moderators and for platform maintenance.

Thus, the profit of the project will be distributed to pay for key individuals who support the project. These are:

* Content moderator (who has the authority to delete content and ban users).
* Super-moderator (who investigates collusion between nodes and participants, manages the budget, and rejects, or fires, participants).
* Moderators (who arbitrate disputes).
* Technical positions that include Developers (who develop software for Ties.Network).
* Ordinary users (covering fair user expenses)

The platform will cover the users’ expenses of their fair use of the platform making it eventually free to use. Fairness of the platform use will be observed by budget Super-moderators. Since the platform belongs to the community, its revenues must be spent on developing and
maintaining it.