[ANN] HealthNet - Health mining through sport activities


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
Website: https://up.hc-net.online
WhitePaper: https://up.hc-net.online
Telegram: http://t.me/HealthCoinNet_ENG_NEWS
Medium: https://medium.com/@health_token
GitHub: https://github.com/healthcoinnet

What is HealthNet?

- is a social network that unites people keeping a healthy lifestyle, who in exchange for their sports achievements receive the HealthCoin cryptocurrency.
From the technical point of view, HealthNet is a software complex created on the basis of the Blockchain-platform BitShares, which provides interaction between the parties, as well as a team that supports and develops it.
The process of receiving HealthCoin for sports achievements is implemented using the unique consensus PoSport (Proof of Sport), where Sport is the physical activity of the participant, registered by any specialized program-tracker.

The primary means of exchange in the Network is the HealthCoin (HCS), which are the units of health. HCS are accrued for the Participants' training and are used to pay for the services of the Network and Partners.

The HealthNet network includes many elements as follows:
- social network
- ratings
- Premium Status
- market with products and services of the partners
- aggregator of sports events
- charity
- HealthCoin exchanger
- global bonus system

The main idea of HealthNet - is to encourage people to regularly engage in physical activity (running, cycling, swimming), by adding material and non-material motivation through network tools.

What is HealthToken?

HealthToken – is a HealthNet network token based on Ethereum Blockchain. HealthToken gives its owner the following possibilities:
- Premium Status
- Exchange for HealthCoin
- Maximum reward for training
- Participation in the project development
- Voting for the appointment of Delegates and Workers (see White Paper)
- Exclusive offers in the Marketplace
- Discounts for Network services
- Access to Restricted HealthNet Statistics
- Special support line

Token Sale
HealthToken (HEALTH) – ERC-20
Smart-contact address: 0xcd48a3965c404bc02d275645ecc9433c25905b1f
Token symbol: HEALTH
Number of decimal signs: 18
Total amount: 30 000 000 HEALTH
1 HealthToken = 1 USD or 0,002 ETH (the price can vary with a large ETH volatility)

Token Sale start: ________, 2018
Finish: No time limit
Hard cap: No
Soft cap: No

1-st stage –from _____________________ – 25 %
2-d stage – from 01.09.2018 till 30.09.2018 – 15 %
3-d этап – from 01.10.2018 till 31.10.2018 – 5 %
Bonuses from the volume:
От 1 000 $ - 5 %
От 5 000 $ - 10 %
От 10 000 $ - 15 %

Referral system:

Possibility to buy HealthToken (HEALTH) for for those coins that are supported by coinpayments:
BTC, LTC, CPS, BCH, BCN, DASH, DOGE, ETC, ETH, NEO, SMART, STEEM, SYS, TRX, ZEC, ZEN, etc. With the full list you can find in the personal account of the buyer on the site https://up.hc-net.online/

HealthToken - is a revolution in the world of sport and health.

Official website: https://up.hc-net.online/
GitHub: https://github.com/healthcoinnet
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HealthtokenP
Telegram channel: t.me/HealthCoinNet_ENG_NEWS
Telegram chat: t.me/HealthCoinNet_ENG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealthTokenNet
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8682935
Medium: https://medium.com/@health_token
Vkontakte: https://vk.com/healthcoinnet
Instagram: http://instagram.com/healthcoinnet

Links for downloading the application:

AppStore - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/health- ... 64287?mt=8
GooglePlay - https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... et.android



Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
Token Sale — Health Token (HT) — 40% Bonus

On August 20, 2018 started Token Sale of the Health Coin Net project with its position in the unique direction “Mining for sports activities”.

What is Health Coin Net?

HealthNet is a social network that unites people leading a healthy lifestyle, who in exchange for their sporting achievements receive the HealthCoin crypto currency.

On the technical side, HealthNet is a software complex created based on the Blockchain-platform BitShares, which provides interaction between the parties, as well as a team that supports and develops it.

The basic means of exchange for the Net are HealthCoins (HCS), which are health units and charged for Participants’ trainings, as well as used to pay for the services of the Network and Partners.
The process of receiving HealthCoins for sporting achievements is realized using a unique consensus PoSport (Proof of Sport), where Sport is the physical activity of the participant, registered by any specialized program-tracker.

HealthNet includes a variety of elements such as:

- social network
- ratings
- Premium Status
- market with goods and services of the partners
- aggregator of sports events
- charity
- HealthCoin exchanger
- global bonus system

The main purpose of HealthNet is to encourage people to be regularly engaged in physical activity (running, cycling, swimming) by adding material and non-material motivation through network tools.

Health Token (HT) — is a HealthNet token based on Ethereum Blockchain. Owning Health Token gives the owner the following preferences:

- Premium Status
- Exchange for HealthCoin
- Maximum reward for trainings
- Participation in project development
- Voting for the appointment of Delegates and Workers (See White Paper)
- Exclusive offers in the Marketplace
- Discounts for HealthNet services
- Access to restricted HealthNet statistics
- Special support line

Health Token (HT) — ERC-20

Smart-contract address: 0xcd48a3965c404bc02d275645ecc9433c25905b1f
Token symbol: HT
The number of decimals: 18
Total number: 30 000 000 HT
1 Health Token = 1 USD or 0.004 ETH (price may vary, with high ETH volatility)

Token Sale start: August 20, 2018
Finish: no time limit

Token Sale Bonus:

Step 1 — from 20. 08.2018 to 30.09.2018–25%
Step 2 — from 01.10.2018 to 31.10.2018–15 %
Step 3 — from 01.11.2018 to 30.11.2018–5 %

Bonuses from the volume:

From 10 ETH — 5%
From 50 ETH — 10%
From 100 ETH — 15%

Referral system + Bounty-campaign are provided.

The possibility of buying Health Token (HT) for those coins: BTC, ETH, etc. You can get acquainted with the full list in the personal account of the buyer at https://up.hc-net.online/

Health Token is a revolution in the world of sport and health. Soon! Are you with us?!

Official website: https://up.hc-net.online/
GitHub: https://github.com/healthcoinnet
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HealthtokenP
Telegram: https://t.me/HealthCoinNet_ENG_NEWS
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealthTokenNet
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4788488.0


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
The main idea of HealthNet is to encourage people to regularly engage in physical activity (running, cycling, swimming), by adding material and non-material motivation through network tools.
We invite you to join the network HealthNet!


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
HealthNet is a social network that unites people keeping a healthy lifestyle, who in exchange for their sports achievements receive the HealthCoin cryptocurrency.

From the technical point of view, HealthNet is a software complex created on the basis of the Blockchain-platform BitShares, which provides interaction between the parties, as well as a team that supports and develops it.


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
The process of receiving HealthCoin for sports achievements is implemented using the unique consensus PoSport (Proof of Sport), where Sport is the physical activity of the participant, registered by any specialized program-tracker. At the moment, HealthCoinNet perfectly synchronizes with Strava and GoogleFit. Soon we will add other trackers.


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
The primary means of exchange in the Network is the HealthCoin coins (HCS), which are the units of health. HCS are accrued for the Participants' training and are used to pay for the services of the Network and Partners.

The HealthNet network includes many elements as follows:

- social network
- ratings
- Premium Status
- market with products and services of the partners
- aggregator of sports events
- charity
- HealthCoin exchanger
- global bonus system


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
Health Token – is a HealthNet network token based on Ethereum Blockchain. HealthToken gives its owner the following possibilities:

- Premium Status
- Exchange for HealthCoin
- Maximum reward for training
- Participation in the project development
- Voting for the appointment of Delegates and Workers (see White Paper)
- Exclusive offers in the Marketplace
- Discounts for Network services
- Access to Restricted HealthNet Statistics
- Special support line

HealthToken (HT) – ERC-20

Smart-contact address: 0xcd48a3965c404bc02d275645ecc9433c25905b1f
Token symbol: HT
Number of decimal signs: 18
Total amount: 30 000 000 HT
1 Health Token = 1 USD or 0,004 ETH (the price can vary with a large ETH volatility)
Token Sale start: August 20, 2018.
Finish: No time limit
Hard cap: No
Soft cap: No


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
WhitePaper: https://up.hc-net.online
Telegram: http://t.me/HealthCoinNet_ENG_NEWS
Medium: https://medium.com/@health_token
GitHub: https://github.com/healthcoinnet

What is HealthNet?

- is a social network that unites people keeping a healthy lifestyle, who in exchange for their sports achievements receive the HealthCoin cryptocurrency.
From the technical point of view, HealthNet is a software complex created on the basis of the Blockchain-platform BitShares, which provides interaction between the parties, as well as a team that supports and develops it.
The process of receiving HealthCoin for sports achievements is implemented using the unique consensus PoSport (Proof of Sport), where Sport is the physical activity of the participant, registered by any specialized program-tracker.

The primary means of exchange in the Network is the HealthCoin (HCS), which are the units of health. HCS are accrued for the Participants' training and are used to pay for the services of the Network and Partners.

The HealthNet network includes many elements as follows:
- social network
- ratings
- Premium Status
- market with products and services of the partners
- aggregator of sports events
- charity
- HealthCoin exchanger
- global bonus system

The main idea of HealthNet - is to encourage people to regularly engage in physical activity (running, cycling, swimming), by adding material and non-material motivation through network tools.

What is Health Token?

Health Token – is a HealthNet network token based on Ethereum Blockchain. HealthToken gives its owner the following possibilities:
- Premium Status
- Exchange for HealthCoin
- Maximum reward for training
- Participation in the project development
- Voting for the appointment of Delegates and Workers (see White Paper)
- Exclusive offers in the Marketplace
- Discounts for Network services
- Access to Restricted HealthNet Statistics
- Special support line

Token Sale
Health Token (Ht) – ERC-20
Smart-contact address: 0xcd48a3965c404bc02d275645ecc9433c25905b1f
Token symbol: HT
Number of decimal signs: 18
Total amount: 30 000 000 HT
1 HealthToken = 1 USD or 0,004 ETH (the price can vary with a large ETH volatility)

Token Sale start: August 20, 2018
Finish: No time limit
Hard cap: No
Soft cap: No

1-st stage –from 20.08.2018 till 30.09.2018 – 25 %
2-d stage – from 01.10.2018 till 31.10.2018 – 15 %
3-d stage – from 01.11.2018 till 30.11.2018 – 5 %
Bonuses from the volume:
От 10 ETH - 5 %
От 50 ETH - 10 %
От 100 ETH - 15 %

Referral system:
Provided. In the process of preparation.

Possibility to buy Health Token (HT) for: BTC, ETH, etc. With the full list you can find in the personal account of the buyer on the site https://up.hc-net.online/

Health Token - is a revolution in the world of sport and health.

Official website: https://up.hc-net.online/
GitHub: https://github.com/healthcoinnet
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HealthtokenP
Telegram channel: https://t.me/HealthCoinNet_ENG_NEWS
Telegram chat: https://t.me/HealthCoinNet_ENG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealthTokenNet
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8682935
Medium: https://medium.com/@health_token
Vkontakte: https://vk.com/healthcoinnet
Instagram: http://instagram.com/healthcoinnet

Links for downloading the application:

AppStore - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/health-coin-net/id1395864287?mt=8
GooglePlay - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=online.hcnet.android


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
How are the HealthCoin accrued?
1. After registration, you must confirm the phone via SMS and link the tracker in your profile;
2. Register workouts in your tracker, they will be automatically downloaded to the Network;
3. Coins are credited to registered coaching, in accordance with the amount of training.

At the moment, three main types of activities are registered: running-walking, biking and swimming. The number of coins credited for 1km of activity:
Running-walking - 10 coins,
Bicycle - 2.5 coins,
Swimming - 40 coins.
There is a regularity factor: for every two consecutive days of training, the coefficient increases by 0.1, for skipping one training day, the coefficient falls by 0.1. The minimum value of the coefficient is 1.0, the maximum value is 1.3.
Train regularly!
HealthCoin can be exchanged for discounts, bonuses and goods from Partners, as well as give to charity. In the future, you can invite friend on a sports battle, the winner takes all the coins of the loser (obtained during the competition).
Owning Health Token gives the owner a premium account, the maximum reward for training and exclusive offers in the Marketplace.


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
HealthToken can be purchased at the official website: https://up.hc-net.online

- The buyer is registered on the site page
- In the personal account, the buyer creates a purse myetherawallet, it will be subsequently transferred tokens (to avoid errors associated with the indication of the addresses of exchangers, exchanges, etc.)
- If the buyer wants to buy tokens for ETH, then the smart contract at the time of purchase is transferred to the default wallet (ie, not the one from which the buyer pays, but the one that was created at registration), to which tokens are credited
- If the buyer wants to buy tokens for any other crypt, then the sale is through the exchanger script. After the exchange of crypto currency (in auto mode), the smart contract accrues HealthToken (HT) tokens to the buyer's default wallet


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
The Bounty referral system is provided on the terms of the competition. On November 30, all participants of the Bounty campaign will be summed up and those who systematically and successfully attract funds will get a 5% payment from the amount of purchased tokens when going through its referral link. This system is provided to eliminate the possibility of fraud and deception. The maximum budget is 100,000 Health Tokens. Also there will be a bonus program for Participants who invite friends to download and register with HealthNet. Invited and invited receive 100 HCS.


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
Interview — Why did you decide to create the HealthNet project?

The creator, the ideological inspirer and the director of the HealthNet Project - Viktor Bukharov https://www.facebook.com/viktor.buharov - answered the most popular questions about the application, which awards for training!

"The project was originally born as a game. I had to do a practical task on Blockchain at Vladimir Popov’s courses. I love sports and run at the level of an advanced amateur, that’s why the idea of HealthNet came into my mind: a social network for people doing sports, through which they can unite and get real bonuses for their activity. In my opinion, this can help when somebody has lack of motivation.

Then together with marketers and sportsmen I began thinking about the commercial component of the project. The plan gained many approvals, and among those with whom I shared an idea I didn’t meet anyone who would say “this is bad” or “it won’t work”. This inspired me to develop this project. I think that HealthNet has a future".

Health Token is a revolution in the world of sport and health!

Official website: https://up.hc-net.online/
GitHub: https://github.com/healthcoinnet
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HealthtokenP
Telegram: https://t.me/HealthCoinNet_ENG_NEWS
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealthTokenNet
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4788488.0


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
Technical description of the Service

General structure
The project is based on a private block system based on Bitshares with its own base coin, HealthCoin. The choice is explained by the following factors:
1. This is the fastest of existing non-test solutions.
2. Privacy allows you to get away from the transaction fee inside the system.
3. The community of developers is one of the biggest in the blockbuster industry.
4. There are well-designed templates for automation of necessary actions: creating subscriptions, regular payments and so on.

Users register in mobile applications, tie their sport trackers, and then the system exports training with the accrual of HealthCoin.
HealthCoin can be spent on bonuses or discounts connected to the system of Partners, for example, sports stores.

Bonus cards and partner actions are realized by using the Bitshares (UIA - User Issued Assets) and the built-in exchange.
Additionally, the sale of the HealthToken token on the main network Ethereum is launched. HealthToken is planned to be changed to HealthCoin, as well as additional privileges in the application.


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation

Хотите участвовать в развитии проекта, получить Премиум аккаунт и максимальные начисления за тренировки? - приобретайте Health Token (HT) на официальном сайте https://up.hc-net.online. Максимальная скидка ТОЛЬКО до конца сентября.

Задавайте вопросы в наших чатах!
Канал в Телеграме HealthCoinNet: t.me/HealthCoinNet_RUS_NEWS
Официальный чат сети HealthCoinNet - майнинг в процессе спортивных тренировок: t.me/HealthCoinNet_RUS

Или обратитесь за пояснением в чат поддержки прямо в приложении - готовы отвечать!


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation
One Russian businessman developed a unique application for motivating people to SPORT.
Article from an independent journalist.

Who would have thought of it! But this happened in Russia, in the city of Irkutsk, where businessman and amateur sportsman (or sports enthusiast) Viktor Bukharov created a mobile application to motivate everyone to be into sports.

Coming back from work or school, we fall on our favorite sofa and start thinking either about vacation in 6–7 months and immediately realize that our body is not ready for the summer, or about our everyday problems that do not definitely make us happy and so on so forth. You should admit that this way of life won’t lead to anything good. And we are usually so lazy or out of time to get up early for a morning run or go to the pool after work.

THAT IS NOT SO! We fool ourselves.

Long ago many scientists proved that sport, even amateur, raises serotonin levels, improves our mood, makes our health strong and people beautiful! And the funniest thing is that most Russians know this, but do not make any efforts.

What is the reason? We need to figure it out on our own example.

No matter how busy I am, I can carve out one or two days a week for running, swimming or cycling, but for mysterious reasons these days are put off for a long time. Do you recognize yourself? I think, you do.

But after many hours of thinking, I found the answer. I do not have MOTIVATION!

Yes, I want to have a beautiful body, good health, etc., but this is not enough for me to motivate myself for running or swimming. I often refuse myself in sports activities due to financial problems, since I do not want to pay for season cards or membership, which I use only a couple times for the entire period. And so I began to search for ways how to motivate myself for sports and do physical exercises with a great joy.

One of my good fellows coincidentally introduced me to interesting people who develop a platform in Irkutsk that combines IoT (Internet of things), sports events, aggregation and Blockchain technology. A man who knows these words won’t be surprised to hear it, but for those who are not around those things, may have no interest and hardly understand it. Therefore, I will explain it in a simpler way. The guys are engaged in developing the Health Coin Net project — a platform for monetization of a healthy lifestyle, or, more clearly, they developed a platform allowing to get digital currency for running, swimming or cycling. In a word, here is my MOTIVATION!

I downloaded the Health Coin Net mobile application, registered an account, went for a run and got some cryptocurrency for my training. Well, isn’t it a motivation?

After contacting with the HealthNet team, I learned that an application is just the first step in creating the Network. There will be a special online store on their platform, where HealthNet members are able to change coins for discounts, bonuses or products from various partners. I can co-train with friends or even organize a whole sport event! And I can also donate accumulated coins to the charitable foundation, provide assistance and support those who need it. But this, as it turned out, is only the top of the iceberg.

In order to make the project grow, the developers decided to hold Token Sale, which means “Selling tokens.”

What is a token? Let’s clear it up.

Basing on the developers’ idea, the HealthNet includes not only standard rewarding coins, but also special Health Tokens (HT) (cryptocurrency), the possession of which will provide huge opportunities to the Participant. If you become a holder of HT tokens, you get Premium Status and can take part in the life of the project, offer your own ideas and submit them for voting. You will get maximum reward for training, exclusive offers in the online HealthNet store (Marketplace). And as for business purposes, you will get an access to statistics and receive significant discounts for the HealthNet services.

Everything is simple, I can either run, swim, ride a bike and get standard rewards, or I can buy Health Tokens and get maximum opportunities.

Of course, I wished to get Premium Status and get rewards for what I always did for free, and sometimes I even had to pay. But the HealthNet team said that the tokens sale will not begin until August 20, 2018, but they give a discount of up to 40% when buying HT tokens at the very beginning, which is also very pleasant. Using this link, you can visit their website and look through details of the project: https://up.hc-net.online. Well, I submitted a preliminary request, and now I’m waiting for a notification with joyful news to start!

PS: The start occurred on August 20, 2018

Health Token is a revolution in the world of sport and health!

Official website: https://up.hc-net.online/
GitHub: https://github.com/healthcoinnet
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HealthtokenP
Telegram: https://t.me/HealthCoinNet_ENG_NEWS
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealthTokenNet
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4788488.0


Aug 11, 2018
Russian Federation

HealthNet is a social network that unites people keeping a healthy lifestyle, who in exchange for their sports achievements receive the HealthCoin cryptocurrency. The main idea of HealthNet is to encourage people to regularly engage in physical activity (running, cycling, swimming), by adding material and non-material motivation through network tools. Health Token – is a HealthNet network token based on Ethereum Blockchain. HealthToken gives its owner the following possibilities: - Premium Status - Exchange for HealthCoin - Maximum reward for training - Participation in the project development - Voting for the appointment of Delegates and Workers (see White Paper) - Exclusive offers in the Marketplace - Discounts for Network services - Access to Restricted HealthNet Statistics - Special support line