hey, i'll be the first to admit its fun to get your feet dirty and splash around a little. but its not like 2011 when you could use your btc to simply buy ltc or nmc, both of which provided amazing roi's a few times over the years with the massive swings. its not as simple now. there are lots of possible bets to make, and if you want to try to manipulate some markets, it might be tougher than it used to be.
i do think its a good idea to make some bets with ~10% of your bankroll total. i have some long shots as well.
also, to answer the OP title directly, there is no trading etiquette. either you win or you lose. there are probably more stories of people losing their shirts by trying to corner a market than otherwise (see Silver and the hunt bros, or risto and xmr). both lost most of what they put in.