Swazm digital architecture - Coding the future Internet, one blockchain at a time


New Member
Jul 18, 2019
SWAZM has partnered with Restart Energy to create the RED Platform - a peer-to-peer system which utilizes cutting-edge blockchain and IoT technology in order to empower consumers to acquire and trade renewable energy cheaper, directly from producers.

Restart Energy is moving towards democratising the global energy market with the RED Platform. RED will enable consumers to become prosumers powered by solar energy, both increasing energy independence and helping decrease their carbon footprint.

The RED Platform is an energy trading application that will be able to scale to a worldwide user base of millions, simultaneously, in a fully-transparent and efficient manner, while offering unparalleled speed and network security.

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New Member
Jul 18, 2019
Blockchain, in its essence, is a way of creating trust between people. And this, even if we don’t realize immediately, it is something amazing.
As human individuals, we do not share one single mind. We have our own private thoughts and actions. Even amongst the closest family members, trust is something that is continuously built and cared for. But out there, outside of your family or tribe, people had no intrinsic reasons for believing each other, for trusting each other. This is why we have built a society.

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Jul 18, 2019
Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without the need of being programmed. This type of digital learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data, process it at great speed, and use it to learn for themselves, by synchronizing the pieces of information that are being shared in the system at a given time.

With its increased capacity, speed and storage space, blockchain technology has the capacity to streamline the evolution of artificial intelligence, allowing machine learning to reach its true potential. As the need of increasing learning capabilities arises, so is the need of larger infrastructures able to support the expansion of AI decentralization.

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New Member
Jul 18, 2019
The solution we propose through the RED platform has two components. Removing intermediaries by providing peer-to-peer networks and transactions) and Encouraging the use of renewable / green energy.

RED: Democratizing The Global Energy Market by Growing A Peer-to-Peer Network

Democracy is generally defined as the control of an organization or group by the majority of its members. The energy industry is lead by centralized institutions, managing consumption through a set of bureaucratic rules and regulations, without the involvement of the end consumer that supplies the chain with regular payments for the service provided.

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Jul 18, 2019
Understanding the Blockchain Concept — An Easy Parallel That Helps With a Clearer View

The blockchain is an ever growing database having millions of records stored by multiple users at the same time, anyone having the ability to edit and check the information at the same time and be in the know of what the last edits were and how they influence the main “document”.

Blockchain does not automatically mean cryptocurrency or specifically Bitcoin. As a stand-alone technology, it doesn’t necessarily involve any notion of currency. At its core it is a platform ready to sustain any app project aiming to have a shared database or operations system / workflow (it’s basically a distributed database). If your operations need space for transactions and exchange of info without your company being the intermediary for all details, you could think of using a blockchain platform to develop your next project.

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New Member
Jul 18, 2019
At SWAZM, we see computing power as digital currency, a resource that can be redistributed and aimed towards building hosting solutions for traditional web apps, have access to decentralized personal storage space, giving you more safety for highly private documents through the use of cryptographic storage tech.

SWAZM Blockchain can bring higher data transfer speed for video, podcasts, video surveillance and general data streaming, in areas ranging from business, science and reaching the individual user.

Join our Telegram Group: https://t.me/swazm
Read more in our article: https://medium.com/swazm/swazm-digital-architecture-coding-the-future-internet-one-blockchain-at-a-time-8e9108880a5c


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Jul 18, 2019
Companies have been a defining feature of civilization in the past 500 years. But they are rooted in the classical limitations of a hierarchical society. Blockchain and his trust-creating features can not only change the way we interact within society. It can also change the way we work together for common goals. And this can help us, as Humanity to finally develop organizations and social structures solid and powerful enough to tackle the challenges of the 21st century.

Read more in our article: https://medium.com/romanian-blockchain-association/blockchain-and-the-future-of-companies-37162fd35934


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Jul 18, 2019
SWAZM — Going Beyond the Cloud

Imagine an infrastructure capable of supporting millions of users at a very high network speed. A decentralized architecture to enable horizontal scaling of DApps into mainstream usage. Issues like storage space, processing speed, quality data traffic can no longer be a problem, as SWAZM makes the development of your project possible, without worrying about backend or frontend details, letting you focus only on the features and advantages your future decentralized project can have on business objectives and clients. SWAZM is offering a turnkey storage space to expand any scalable and extended database-type project for your company.

The future of business is on the blockchain. Here’s what SWAZM can do for you in terms of storage, project scalability and process improvements. The storage capacity is built on unutilized compute capacities from computers that make-up your network, making use of available space that can be used to benefit your project build and maintained.

Read more: https://medium.com/swazm/going-beyond-the-cloud-the-next-generation-decentralized-storage-38d982d52cd6


New Member
Jul 18, 2019


New Member
Jul 18, 2019
Monetize Content Via Blockchain Peer-To-Peer Networks

Content monetization is strongly tied to the available technology that allows creators to put their skills and talents in practice. The more they create, the more they’ll need a trusted system to cater to their monetization needs, growing audiences and need of feeling free doing their craft. As the creators’ number grows each day, we are expected to make use of the new technology that suits their monetization needs.

This is the beginning of an article series here on Medium, discussing all the implications regarding content creation, hosting and storage capabilities. We are here to support the development of your most daring projects. We are going beyond the cloud. Join us in the journey to decentralize the Internet as we know it. Welcome to SWAZM!

Read more in our article: https://medium.com/swazm/decentralizing-content-creation-episode-1-how-can-blockchain-help-with-monetization-ca0f57cd88db


New Member
Jul 18, 2019
The RED Platform, it’s Green Token and Cost Efficiency

The main obstacles to entering the household and renewable energy markets include the build of a capital-intensive infrastructure and automated processes necessary to handle large numbers of low volume consumption orders. As the current models do not ensure a direct connection between consumers and producers, and between producers themselves, the transition to using green energy sources is still one that moves very slow to be able to liaise all into a network.

As you all know, we partnered with SWAZM Blockchain and created the RED PLATFORM (RED-P), a peer-to-peer system, aiming to evolve consumers into prosumers, both consumers and possible producers of energy in tomorrow’s society. The platform is a blockchain-based decentralized energy platform, that functions as a peer-to-peer direct trading system between consumers and energy producers. It incentivizes consumers to use green energy by awarding them green certificates, which they can later transaction within the network.

Join our Telegram chat: @RestartEnergy
Read more in our article: https://medium.com/@restartenergy/incentivizing-consumers-to-build-a-better-climate-the-green-token-mechanics-e8cc3495997b